hail again with some marvelous cuisine for ur belly metalheads!!!!!
ok, after a tiring day ov gigging or maybe some practice in the studio or, ok, maybe after listening to some gruesome satanic and blasphemous death or black metal tunes, u'll probabbly end up with something meaty to resembles dead bodies that we have tortured and maybe some bloody filthy scum that always getting on our nerves.
its time to hop on your panzer and charge forward on to Williams!!!
ok, im pretty sure that some ov the PJ(ians?) or maybe KLites have already been to this place. yesss, u. i know u went there with ur girlfriends right? ok. for those who actually have no idea where williams is, it is situated in PJ/Damansara area. to be precise, it is situated in SS24 PJ or behind the SS24 primary school (?). its located just beside the old Lim Kok Wing building. got it? still didnt get it? go and ask your girlfriend and im pretty sure they used to go to williams with her previous boyfriends before u!!
ok, enufzz of that shit. williams is actually a small stall right under some hut. looking at the shop reminds me of some illegal mamak stall under some barn or maybe some coffee shops for those oldtimers at some rural village in Malaysia. but u'll be amazed with the crowds. it is mostly full house some of a time. and guys, i might ensure u with hot chicks alert. with lots of tables along side the road, it will amazed u with all the foods the crowds actually eating. ull be saying "owh, i want that," "ill be ordering that""whats that?" just to make a point.
there are lots ov specialities here in williams. some of them combines from local delicacies and also western and european style of cuisine. ok. this time i order something absolutely meaty.
i ordered anti-pesto (?) or premier chiken+beef+lamb. yes, its a combination ov those three i mentioned. when the food arrived, ill was smiling big. throw away ur diet plans. forget what ur doctors told u. this is real meat. and it cames with big huge plate. yes, it was meant for sharing but i dont care. i want it all!!! i cant event tell how delicious it was. its like a festival of meat. with some mashed potato with the gravy at the centre and some mint sauce, it is fullfilling.
ok then, ill just let the picture do the talking ok?
but then, came the billing time. i wont be telling the truth if i say the price is ok. but try to think ov any price that worth that kind ov fullfilling cuisine, yes, it is pricey. maybe like throwing away one imported metal CD or maybe one imported metal shirt if u know what i mean! by the way, it feels good to fill the tummy and RELAXING those eyes! hahahaha!
owh...meat supreme...i want it so badly....!!! :)